Friday, December 4, 2009

Dynamics GP in the cloud - What's that got to do with Document Capture?

Microsoft has taken bold steps towards addressing the issue of cloud computing for the masses. No longer can the legitimacy of the SaaS alternative (ASP or Cloud Computing) be so quickly dismissed during the IT purchase decision making process. The cost savings are real.

Take particular note of the fact how Microsoft offers the customer flexibility of choosing a solution (financial software in the example below) that encompasses BOTH software delivery methods: On-premise for Dynamics GP and SaaS for Ecommerce components using the new AZURE platform. The point here is that SaaS alternative is not an "all or nothing" decision. Microsoft's offering parallels the CAPSYS' value proposition...if you want a web-based, document capture software solution whose delivery method is on-premise or SaaS, but keep your Content Management Repository on-premise or SaaS, so be it!

You the customer are afforded the opportunity to choose which software delivery method is best suited for your business.

The SaaS alternative is hear to stay and it is time for all us to get readily acquainted with the next wave of software delivery called Cloud Computing.

Visit!4F32246B3C877AB5!224.entry to get the entire article.

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